Re: Primary Liver Tumors
I am currently dealing with cancer in my dog Lucky - she was diagnosed two and half months ago and I was told that she would probably only make it at the most another two months. She's doing quite well - against all odds.
Here's what I am giving her (mind you, it's NOT cheap!!!!)
- once weekly I go to the vet to get her Carravet Acemannan Immunostimulant
- flax oil
- fish oil
- seameal
- high amount of vitamin c
- green & white tea extract in capsules
- aloe vera in capsules
- Immpower (this is also a capsule made from extract of certain hybridized mushrooms)
- Urine Therapy
You might want to do a search on the Carravet Acemannan Immunostimulant. Most of the time the immune system is down in the pits - it doesn't make a difference whether it's a pet or a human. If you can get that up and going your chances are better for a longer survival rate.
Just to give you an idea, the Acemannan Immunostimulant costs about $200 per dose for a medium sized dog. However, it works wonders for the immune system. It's mainly used for fibrosarcomas - which Lucky does not have either. She has some substantial tumors on her legs and additionally in about every organ there is (we did an ultrasound two months ago and the sizes of the tumors/nodules ranged between 1.5 and 7.5 cm) including the liver/heart/kidney/lung/bladder.
All of these things are homeopathic and easily obtainable except for the Immunostimulant. For that you would need a vet.
We did an x-ray of Lucky's lung on Thursday and the tumor has not grown one bit since we started her on the medications. I am contemplating on having an ultra sound done in about one month's time (if she is still up and running) to have actual measurements of the tumors to see if they have decreased.
If you decide to go for the Immunostimulant do note that most vets will be stunned by this request. My vet thought I was crazy but on Thursday he admitted that he was amazed by the fact that Lucky is doing so well. (We were just in Vermont at the Paw House Inn for 10 days and we hiked for about 4 - 5 miles each day - no problems to report)
All the best, lots of luck and love & light