She has the fastest spreading kind (loaded with mucus - don't have the name off-hand) It is in her bowel, ovary and all over her abdomial wall. Her first two doctors told her nothing! They just passed her off to someone in Gainsville who passed her back to the Tallahassee doctors who passed her on to a doctor in Jacksonville - who passed her on to another doctor who hasn't seen her yet ! ! ! He was the nicest doctor so far and he did tell her it was stage 4. I've been trying to get her to ask that question for 2 weeks but I think she didn't want to know.
They checked her into the Hosiptal and there she sits - all by herself. I have been house bound for 12 years with sever chemical sensitivities so I counldn't go with her - I feel so helpless! I've been trying to get her to realize how important it is for her to cleanse her body and change her diet, etc. but she wants this to be treated so she can just go back to the way things were. She seems to be in total denial. I've been talking to her the best I can but she doesn't want to hear! I'm so afraid that she is going to let them do whatever they want to!
I so appreciate all of your answers. I'm hoping that if I get enough testomonials to send her she will start to listen - thank you all so much ! ! !