I understand your suspicions. I had them when i was seeking help for my son in 1991. I dont have a "cure". If anyone tells you that they have a "cure" my advice to you would be to stay as far away from them as possible. I have information that could be of help to her. Without knowing more of her medical condition, i can tell you what some of your options are. I am also going to include my testmonial about my son.
After reading what i am going to post below, please feel free to post any questions on this forum or email me. Again, i understand your suspicions. I will give you all the help you want, the only thing i will not give you is false hope. I am here to help to make this decision as stress free as possible, given the situation. I hope that this helps. Whatever you decide to do, my thoughts and prayers are with your daughter, you and your family. Again, if i can be of any help please feel free to contact me anyway you feel comfortable.
My testimony:
I know that this is a very difficult time in your life. I understand all the feelings you are having. As a parent,I have walked in your shoes.
My son was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, astrocytoma grade 4, in 1991, at the age of thirteen. He was given three months to live. I decided to take him to Mexico for alternative therapy.
The treatment he was on consisted of immune augmentive therapy, laetrile, high does of vitamin C, shark cartilage, and other natural herbs, trace minerals, and vitamins. He did not receive chemo or radiation.
Within three months he had an MRI. The MRI showed some shrinkage. Within one year the tumor was completely gone! He remained on the treatment for an additional year. He is now a happy, healthy, successful twenty eight year old and doing very, very well. He has been cancer free since June of 1992.
I am not saying that alternative therapy is for everyone and that it works for everyone, I am here to give you my testimonial. The treatment works best if the patient has not received chemo or radiation before going on alternative therapy. The patients bilogical response is different on everyone. The doctor's that treated my son work with the patients. If they are not responding to one form of treatment, they use other combinations. Having said that, what works for one may not work for the other. They have many options at their disposal, not offered in the United States. Your options are limited. When you are dealing with cancer, sometimes diet, jucing, and self treating are not enough.
If you decide that this is the route you would like to take, I can help you find the help you are seeking. Again, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me either on this forum or privately. In most cases it is easier to talk on the phone. I am willing to give you my phone number, however, i will not post it on this forum. Please keep in mind that the sooner you start your daughter on some form of treatment the better. Time is of the eseence. I have been helping people from all over the world going on 15 years. My reputation is impeccable.
Also, if you would like to talk with the doctor i would be more than happy to give you his phone number. However, i cannot post it. I screen his calls and only give out his phone number to those who are seriously seeking treatment. I am sure you can understand this. His reputation is one of the upmost respect. I put the life of my son in his hands and he helped him. Never, ever giving me false hope.
Again, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I look forward to hearing from you.
My private email is: gorkaginny58@msn.com or feel free to post here.