Mysty...(Edited to add additional info)
Mysty...What kind of cancer does your daughter have and what is her current
prognosis? This information is crucial to finding the right natural healing
In the meantime...check out the Hallelujah Acres Website
They specialize in helping people heal their bodies of cancer naturally and
they even have a retreat in Florida. It will be posted on their website.
Also call their 800 number and ask for their Back To The Garden's
free....have them send one to you and to your daughter. It is just packed
with articles by people who have healed their own cancer with this program.
Also...if you have a charge card...ask them to send you both back issue
was their big cancer healing issue last year...and it's WONDERFUL!!! I have
just given tons of them away...but am out at the moment. Back issues are $1 each...
but they'll send their current issue free to both of you. They're located in
Shelby, NC.
Also check out messages by centex on this forum. He has done a fantastic
job of healing his own has ACHIEVER and beloved...and others.
Be sure and post what kind of cancer and her current prognosis. kathryn
Mysty...I forgot to mention the Cesium. While that has been known to do wonders
for cancer is definitely not a 'starting' place. She would just
be wasting precious time by just 'adding supplements'. Healing the body of cancer
takes a whole body makeover. She will have to change her diet drastically and
probably her lifestyle. But it can be done..and has been done by many, many people right here on just don't panic and give up hope.
For right now...forget looking all over the internet for a magic pill. Because
even though many websites will tell you they HAVE one...they do not! And I wouldn't
even call and check on Cesium right now. The most important thing you can do right
now is post what kind of cancer she has...and her prognosis.
After you do may get several replies. But just because someone posts
a remedy...doesn't always mean it's a good one. You'll need to become your daughters own Dr. Einstein...and research...research...research. I'm swamped with
other things for the immediate future...but I'll keep watching...