My near-by neighbor (68 years old) who has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He and his wife are devestated to say the least and he's probably facing chemo and the works (he hasn't had a recommendation yet.) I've never discussed cancer or nutrition with him but I'd like to give him some information on alternative methods. My problem is I've got 2 books. One is Gerson's "A Cancer Therapy" and the other is Dr. William Kelly's "One Answer to Cancer". I hate to give both since they are so different in their approaches -- might be information overload.
I am in awe of Gerson's book. Everytime I read through it the more astounding it is. On the other hand, Dr. Kelly's book, though much less detailed, is convincing as well...and Kelly cured him self of pancreatic cancer. Which, if any, should I give him? Or -- is there another book out there that is more current and/or builds on what these two doctors have done?