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Re: Cure for Cancer in my Backyard
DJThompson Views: 2,589
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 337,220

Re: Cure for Cancer in my Backyard

People really don't listen. When a crisis comes, they fall back on what they think they know and put their "faith" in men in white coats who kill 200,000 people per year from iatrogenic (doctor-caused) diseases. That's more than all of the American wars put together this century. I don't worship in the "Church of Modern Medicine" any more, but trying to de-progrom people with the kind of brainwashing we undergo from birth on is a thankless and often futile task. I've been doing it for 25 years with little success. In fact, just today I offered to donate a bottle of the best healing product I've seen so far (take a look at the Canadian academic website) to a sick person, and they accused me of working for the company. I spent grocery money paying for an order that hasn't arrived yet after being gifted with some (I was going to pass on the favor at my own expense) and had the offer thrown in my face. FREE--that's what they turned down.

I did Clark's parasite cleanse as a prerequisite to her liver-gallbladder flush, not expecting anything to happen. Instead, on the day I took the largest doses of product pain I'd had in my neck and shoulders, and spent $thousands to have treated, suddenly disappeared and never returned. Then I did the flush and removed hundreds of stones, and ended 23 months of the worst case of hives I've ever heard about (caused by liver congestion following an adrenal/thyroid crash.) I'm a believer, and came to try these things from doing internet research and reading forum posts.

Don't give up. You never really know what positive effects you put in motion by putting yourself out there. Somebody who doesn't listen now may learn something the hard way and come to think twice about information they originally blew off to start with. I was that person 25 years ago when someone tried to help me. It took a second exposure from someone and somewhere else to get through my thick skull, and that information led me to a naturopathic physician who saved my miserable life.


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