Re: Cure for Cancer in my Backyard
hi andy,
i see you have taken care of yourself pretty well and you are seeing the results. that's really awsome! but permit me to give you a couple of suggestions which may be of further help for you:
you mentioned your ozone treatment and that if you had more money you would invest them in IV h2o2 and ozone insufflations. well, first of all, i think that this is absolutely the right way to go, since the thing that cancer patients need most is extra active oxygen in their bodies. but i don't think that you have to necessarily spend a lot of money for that. for instance:
- have you thought of adding more oxygen to your system by sniffing h2o2? i do this on a regular basis with great results. read also:
for this type of treatment you can use the regular 3% h2o2 which you can buy at your pharmacy or health food store.
- ozone isufflations are not that expensive. i pay for a nasal ozone insufflation 15 euros (ca. 20 dollars).
- you can add active oxygen directly to your liver by cleansing it with ozonated oil
(look for example:
ed mccabe says that taking a spoon full of ozonated olive oil is a very good liver cleanser AND it adds oxygen to your body. i would also apply it on the skin externally.
- using urine antigens is probably the most inexpensive and strongest cancer treatment there is: just add some of your own urine to your diet! that's it. you can add juice to it. or add the urine into your daily cup of tea if you want to avoid the taste (and let me tell, it's not that bad.). there are reports of people who cured their cancer in 3 weeks by drinking their own urine.
check out this story:
please tell me, what you think of my ideas.
keep up the good work.
please let me