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The greatest superfood for healing, shocking photos
DJThompson Views: 2,422
Published: 20 y

The greatest superfood for healing, shocking photos

As a long-time investigative health researcher with a particular focus on alternative cancer treatments (no one in my family or my husband's has ever survived "conventional" cancer treatments) I have spent 25 years looking for treatments that work. I would never depend on one single medicine or protocol, but would instead address diet problems, food intolerances , mental attitude, stress, super nutrition, any deficiency states, toxemia and the whole range of cleansing/detoxing activities along with the most aggressive natural healing products or treatments I could find.

Over a year ago I came across something new. I had to pay for a pricy membership (that I could ill afford) into a website with alternative cancer treatment reports (which I quoted on my own website, but it was worth it for one single report on "The Marine Treatment" developed by French physiologist Rene Quinton around 1900. Most of the French documentation has now been translated into English by a Canadian naturopathic doctor, along with photos of patients on his new website just recently up and running. This is a must-see site with possibly the best healing agent I've ever seen, which contains every mineral in organic form known to man and other components necessary to sustain life. I just started on it myself a couple of weeks ago and I'm hooked. I've never tried any supplement or medicine before that has done what this has in just a few days, and believe me, I've tried a lot of things. Take a look at the site. The one-hundred-year old photos are worth it alone. Just click on the photo on the home page. The site belongs to retired Dr. Juergen Buche, N.D. of Quebec, Canada, who was known as the "premier iridologist" of Canada, according to the Google search I did on him when I first heard about his site.

The academic site:


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