Re: More help for you *IMPORTANT*
The allpathic slaughter houses known as Hospitals are supposedly soooo professional yet look what happens to almost all of their Cancer patients they treat, DEATH!
I would much rather do it myself or find someone who did what you say in their own home. Just make sure the Vitamin C IV is Sodium Ascorbate or buffered correctly. If its yellow then its of no worth as its then become the free radical vitamin C. If its pure ascorbic acid then do not take it as this is dangerous to the liver through IV and Kidneys due to severe acidity. Where is this person based??
If anyone is taking the death treatments from the doctors then they MUST increase free-radical scavengers (wrongly called anti-oxidants) immediately, prior and after treatment. Very high pharmalogical dosages of Vitamin C are needed orally at least. The death treatments cause a massive increase in free radicals which go on to create other problems including Cancer and especially inflammation etc.
You have to thank David "Illuminati" Rockefella and his masters for all this wonderful healing knowledge having to be underground. He wants depopulation through the Club of Rome group (Global 2000) and high profit margins prior to the death such as 150-300k$ each Cancer VICTIM! He certainly dont want you sorting yourself with a
Liver Cleanses for $3, Ozone for free after the inital purchase of the generator, FREE WATER, CHEAP REAL SALT, FREE URINE, FREE FASTING, cheap as chips Fruit and Vegetables which infact some can be grown yourself. The majority of what I promote is free and cheap!