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Re: Fatty deposit I believe
beloved1 Views: 4,932
Published: 20 y
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Re: Fatty deposit I believe

I haven't had a cold since I got out of the hospital 1.5 years ago. I suppose that 15000 mg of vitamin C has something to do with it. I have noticed that with my nutritional regimen, I don't seem to get sick. As far as cures, the cold only last 3-7 days, so it would be hard to know if you were cured or the cold just went its way.

THe woman I spoke of posted here about two months ago and was having serious complications because of a large cervical tumor that was impeding her bowel. Have not heard from her since her postings, but I often wonder how things went. I have been around this disease long enough to know the markers of the disease progression. She is in a very difficult situation due to delay in getting medical attention.

My point in the matter is that large tumors need urgent action, and when feasible, the knife is a good place to start, unpleasant though it may be. I did not like having 1/3 my colon removed. Had I paid attention to what was going on in my body, it never would have progressed so far. But once my system was overwhelmed, the surgery was necessary. I would hav ebeen dead already.



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