When the body nutrition and lifestyle is corrected properly follow guidelines by
Richard Schulze , Lorraine Day,
Hulda Clark , Charlotte Gerson, Jon Barron then the body is built back up and theres no need for cutting.
So now your calling me a Freemason, well thankyou because that shows people that my information i've spoke about concerning this subject may be correct. I'm glad I'm not a Mason and if you think this will put people off my TRUE information then its a very poor job your doing.
Constantly promoting the Medical Mafia on a highly alternative site with many people totally against the backward allopathic treatments of Cut, Burn and Poison seems very odd behaviour indeed. It would suggest that your either still in the Medical Mafia Matrix (MMM) or your someone working for them, right now I'm not sure which is more, its getting likely your the 2nd also.
Many people have had good results from my information on both Net and Locally. If you want to argue with testimonies like most Medical Mafia Shills do then do so, but look foolish in the mean time. I'll stick with Gerson, Barron, Day, Clark, Beck, Batmanghelidj, Pauling, Mccabe and you stick with your ill-educated, I know nothing of nutrition and the body DEATH promotors (Doctors).