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Re: How to treat an external tumor
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Re: How to treat an external tumor

Hello 5751,
I usually bleed between1/2 tsp. to no more than 1 Tb. at one tme and that is around every 2-3or4 days,.Ive also noticed it comes more so frm the outer edges of tissue thats still intact.In other words the raw part doesnt bleed as much.The newer the opening the more bleedng episodes till it finises the blood-letting.Then it clots naturally by itself after a minute or two.H2O2 helps to cauterize I read some where,so I use a piece of t.tissue soaked with it and hold,slight pressure,till it stops.About 1 min.I then use H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) gel (from Walmart the only place I have found that) apply it and rebandage.It comes in a small yellow,blue and white tube.That might keep it from bleeding more and worth a try.Keeps infection down too.I have used the QR 3 or 4 times already when I thoght the bleeding was heavier than normal.Works great thanks to your suggestion.I cut back on fish oils and eat a handful of parsley in my salad every night(excell.suorce of Vit.K which assists in blood clotting)I believe these changes have helped control bleeding..
This I beleive is necrosis going on (dying of tissue) and is important to keep bacteria down and detoxed.thats a slow process but better slow than too fast as there is danger of sepsis if tumor dies too fast.The trick is to keepthe tumor from growing and dividing of course.
Im using Oxyage(with ellagic Acid in it) and is proven in vitro and in vivo to stop growth.Has high ORAC too.(High anti oxidants).Been on that for 3 weeks now and tumor hasnt gotten bigger.It hasnt been that long though, so too early to give it a 100% yes.Ive ordered OxyMune, which delivers oxygen slowly over time to assist in killing cancer and pathagens,microbes, bacteria viruses and has added ionic minerals,enzymes needed for rebuild and repair and better utilization of vitamins.That and Hydrogen Plus are Best product for that according to Ed McCabe the oxygen expert.Good book too!OxyMune delivers more oxygen.
How is the Grapefruit-Seed-Extract working on your wife?
For now take care, and I wish you both the best in your recovery!



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