Hi I hope you don't mind me replying to the both of you. What you both are describing are all detox reactions. Both of your bodies are trying to get rid of the toxins in different ways. Most people don't have a reactions to water. If it's to much for you just slow down. It will quit and you will get better if you keep going. One time my wife drank a gallon of ozonated water in one day and felt bad afterwards to. She just quit for a week and drank a few glasses of water a day from then on. People who have more toxins in them sometimes feel ill in some way. It manafests in different ways for each person. People who don't have as many toxins feel energy or more alert afterwards. I've heard of people accidently doing incredible amouts of ozone at one sitting, and none have ever had to go to the hospital or anything. No one is alergic to ozone. Our bodies even make small quanities for the same purpose your doing this, to be healthy. Have either one of you done liver or bowel cleanses? This will really help lessen the toxic load in your body and lessen any detox reactons.
Take Care,