Well weve actually split up now i gave him the two weeks, and after a week and a half he sent me a txt message of all things telling me hes decided he wants to b single I just can't believe a man of 22 can be so pathetic he didnt even have the decency to ring me. He used to take ecstacy a lot but he started to get depressed so he stopped taking it about 2 months after we met, i also intervined and told him i wasnt going to put up with him taking A class drugs, so yes the drugs could have something to do with it. I still love him, i always will do but i dont like him because he hurt me so much ill never ever forgive him for that. I hope he regrets his decision in the future then maybe he'll appreciate what i was willing to give him and what a good life we could have had together. Lol neway just a little update on whats happening Thanx Jo xxx