Giddy as a school girl
Okay, update time.
I am sooo pleased. The SIBO treatment seems to be having a very positive impact. I no longer bloat after meals, even gluten-free brownies(no HCl). And my white coated tongue is staying generally clear thru the day. My post nasal drip is all but gone. And my biggest surprise of all is my right eye has been focusing better and better pretty much daily. My vision in that eye is not hazy even when I can not focus sharply which is definitely a new thing for me. I am able to see farther and clearer with both eyes than before I started, and my twilight vision is very clear as well. My speed of focus has improved in both eyes, as well, something that is more apparent when I'm turning to look at something. I guess that the improvements in my fat metabolism is having an affect on my absorption of my vitamin A. Colors are even brighter. Also, my skin has cleared up substantially, even many of the marks have or are almost faded.
I will be finished with my PO on Monday, but I have already begun my DefensePlus(GSE) which I will be using for the next 15 days to ensure that I have cleared up all offending microbes in my small intestine, and perhaps my colon. I am also starting my preferred commercial cleanse, Thisilyn Cleanse, today. This weekend I may try to make my first batch of homemade kombucha using GT's Raw Kombucha as a starter. I'm hoping I can use this as a probiotic to help keep things in balance during this very intense, albeit gentle cleanse. I'm really getting sick of pills, but I can't believe how much better I feel, and how much better I see. Fortunately, in 2 weeks I'll be able to drop all of the antifungal/cleanse supplements. I'll keep my triphala going just to ensure that my peristalsis is regular and normalized. Gotta keep that motility to help discourage SIBO. And within a month's time, I may feel more comfortable reducing my supplements, too.
Anyway, thought I'd share. I really believe that SIBO, while not a cause in itself, could be a perpetuator of problems that seems fairly easy to clear up.
Good luck, all.
I'm also continuing the HCl as I'm optimistic that it will help me break the cycle of low acid that may be perpetuating my problem.