So confused over hormones, liver cleansing and digestion
HI Shelley, I'm really confused over certain foods and wondered what you thought. states that in order to balance hormones you should avoid estrogenic foods including carrots, lemons etc, and also avoid ginger and spicy foods as they aggravate the liver. These are the exact foods I've been trying to increase my consumption of in order to cleanse my liver.
I know that a congested liver can't filter hormones properly so both things are connected, but that leaves me wondering what I should eat! I've thought maybe I should clean the liver first so eat carrots etc, and then when it's clean focus on eliminating estogenic foods? I don't want to be making things worse (for my hormonal acne) by eating lots of carrots and chickpeas.
I get so confused cos I keep reading different things and end up not knowing whch direction to work towards. A major thing for me is that I get a coated white or yellow tongue most days and I know that indicates undigested food or too much bile (as you told me - thanks). But if I eat spicey foods to improve digestion then that will aggravate my liver. Aaaaagh! Is it just me going around in circles and wondering what on earth is left to eat apart from innocent cucumbers and kale?!!
Thanks for any input you can give to a rather confused girl who probably reads too much on the internet :)
HI Shelley, I'm really confused over certain foods and wondered what you thought. states that in order to balance hormones you should avoid estrogenic foods including carrots and lemons, and also avoid ginger and spicy foods as they aggravate the liver. These are the exact foods I've been trying to increase my consumption of in order to cleanse my liver.
I know that a congested liver can't filter hormones properly so both things are connected, but that leaves me wondering what I should eat! I've thought maybe I should clean the liver first so eat carrots etc, and then when it's clean focus on elimiating estogenic foods? I don't want to be making things worse (for my hormonal acne) by eating lots of carrots and chickpeas.
I get so confused cos I keep reading different things and end up not knowing whch direction to work towards. A major thing for me is that I get a coated white or yellow tongue most days and I know that indicates undigested food or too much bile (as you told me - thanks). But if I eat spicey foods to improve digestion then that will aggravate my liver. Aaaaagh! Is it just me going around in circles and wondering what on earth is left to eat apart from innocent cucumbers and kale?!!
Thanks for any input you can give to a rather confused girl who probably reads too much on the internet :)