Re: Treating Candida while pregnant
Ah, okay, so it's not so much Vata disturbance then. Are the two little lines mostly permanent? Interesting placement. I'd have to see a picture to be sure - send me one if you can - but if the two lines are very close to the long middle line and close to the tip of the tongue, it may be speaking more about low back/hip wonkyness. If they're more towards the middle of the tongue then it's stomach/small intestine wonkyness. Your symptoms should help determine.
EmergenC can be used in place of EsterC, but see when a supplement says "buffured" that means it is in a form that protects the stomach! which means that the C is not adding to the acids in the stomach.
Kefir grains are ideal.
Keep in mind that everyone has yeast/candida in them and when in balance it is a huge help to us, a good friend. It is only when our lifestyles get out of balance or we take broad-spectrum
Antibiotics that yeasties get virulent and cause misery. So long as children get mother's milk and the occasional dose of yogurt/kefir, they should have a good balance of microbes and strong immune systems.