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Re: Treating Candida while pregnant
shelleycat Views: 2,685
Published: 21 y
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Re: Treating Candida while pregnant

Hi Laurie! Nice to hear from you. :)

Deep cracks in the tongue mean Vata disturbance. If they are towards the back of the tongue, it is mostly in the colon, so you need a very moistening fiber like flax rather than psyllium, and should do colonics/retention enemas. It's a totally flat, smooth/slick tongue that means B vit deficiency.

Bloating requires pungent therapy, which is also good for Vata disturbances. Read the gas/bloating post for tips on how to do this. Eating Kichadi and Moraccan Chicken Soup is a good start. :)

Your problems are all about the power of your digestion. Fix that and all else will follow. The spleen gets better as the liver gets better, so long as you cleanse your lymphs (a modified detox bath is fine - skip the niacin) and avoid raw veggies, and limit citrus/sour foods to once a day.

To digest fats better, start taking lecithin - see the Protein Shake recipe - a good digestive enzyme, preferably Garden of Life's as it has more lipase, and eat the cleansing carrot salad and drink the Cleansing Drink without the cayenne. This will all cleanse the liver and bile and spleen gradually, safely. You should also take something to increase stomach acids. The safest way during pregnancy is to take 500 mg of Ester C prior to your main meals.

To cure the candida, first off you gotta raise the power of your digestion while avoiding simple sugars. Then you must must must supplement with probiotics. Kefir is best, live acidophilus supplements next best, and using a kefir solution as an enema implant is great. You can keep eating garlic as much as you want, but avoid the other anti-fungals.

I highly recommend that you learn about the flower essences and microbial balancing program and MAP (start out with MAP) from Perelandra, because they work on an energetic level that is totally safe for your baby. In fact, you can give your baby flower essences prior to birth to make sure the trauma of birth is lessened! :)

Hugz! :)


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