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Treating Candida while pregnant
laur Views: 1,797
Published: 21 y

Treating Candida while pregnant

Hi Shelley, I am new to this forum, however I have learned a lot from just trying to read as much as I can here. I have been taking the P&B shakes for about 2 weeks now, but only twice a day. Prior to this I was taking Candex & Grapefruit seed extract. I wanted to get this candida under control before I got pregnant, but things don't always go as planned! I have read that it is safe to continue the P&B shakes throughout pregnancy and that Liver Flushes & enemas are safe. I am concerned about taking antifungals. Seems that the toxins released during die-off would harm the fetus. I'm thinking that I should just focus on cleaning out my system with P&B shakes, enemas & liver flush.

I think that candida is only part of my problem. I have been reading about disbyosis and it all makes so much sense! I have deep cracks in my tongue. Is it true that this is a sign of Vit B deficiency? Also, my system doesn't seem to be digesting fats properly. My stools float and when I take fish oil supps, I get very bloated. I have been told by an accupuncturist that I have a weak spleen. Do you know what I can do to strengthen my spleen?

I am concerned about having a healthy pregnancy and dealing with these problems. I am taking a sublingual complex B, Vit C, and a liquid multi Vit/mineral supp.

I welcome any suggestions or if you know of anything that I should not do or take. I figure the detox bath is probably out!

Thank you,


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