Re: Mom with really high blood sugar and sauna suggestions
Hi Lynn! Your mother should add digestive enzymes to her main meals, as her symptoms suggest that her pancreas is overworked.
And there are other nutrients she can look at to see if she needs to supplement wtih them, this page is good info:
and these are causes for high blood pressure:
Low magnesium, low potassium, low zinc, high/low calcium,
high/low sodium, high/low phosphorus, high iron, high/low Vitamin E, high/low choline, high Vit B1, low Vit B2, low Vit B5, low Vit B15, low folate, low Co Q10, heavy metal toxicity.
I'd recommend enemas over saunas in your case, and just a few minutes in a sauna wouldn't do anyone any good because you won't reach the temperatures needed to really open the pores and detox pesticides etc. Sustained exercise would be much better. Weekly detox baths should be fine.