Re: Diet guideline for dosha
We did a booklist but I neglected to put a link in the fAQ. OH dear. The must-reads are Nourishing Traditions,
juicing for Life, and when you're ready to move into the 21st century, Flower Essences and MAP by Machaelle Small Wright. Co-creative
Science is the most modern
Science really, and the only healing modality in balance with the current Aquarian paradigm of unity, balance, and respecting Nature's Laws as well as our Higher Selves.
You can eat any food you want within reason. When you're a Pitta you only need to avoid Pitta-increasing foods when the weather is very hot or when you are symptomatic. Every food can be prepared so that it is Dosha-friendly. For instance, I'm a Vata, which means Air, so I don't do well with dry foods - they tend to give me gas. Yikes! So popcorn is a no - no. BUT if I butter the popcorn the oil makes it much less dry, no more gas problems. Problem solved.
My health is very challenging currently. My hemoglobin got too low so I have to take hormone shots. The kidneys are responsible for secreting a hormone to tell the bone marrow to manufacture red blood cells, so when you only have 25% kidney function, this cycle tends to stop and severe anemia results. Luckily we can synthesize the hormone but it's not fun! it's a shot much like insulin, quite painful and causes shortness of breath. Argh. But I finally found a really good kidney doctor who knows her stuff and doesn't mind explaining things, so now I have two fantastic doctors helping me come to terms with living with this challenge. :) The most challenging thing for me of course is having to accept that some Western medicine techniques are absolutely necessary in my case. Once permanent damage is done cleansing is no longer the answer. :( I'm meditating on healing every day and we shall see what kind of results that gives! :)