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Re: Shelley, ? re: kinked or twisted colon
tigerfish Views: 4,420
Published: 21 y
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Re: Shelley, ? re: kinked or twisted colon

if there's a lump where you suspect the problem, it might also be a backup at that point, which might mean pressure from something slowing digestion to the left of it. i have that, right before my left rib cage begins, because under the cage is the meeting point of the transverse and descending colon. at that point, my food gets stuck (rounding the corner), and it puts pressure on the softest area (the place outside of the ribs). this is because i have a stricture there, or because the ribs are in the wrong place, or both. i use enemas to try and make the colon straighten out and heal. now i'm moving into castor oil packs over the left rib cage, hoping it also heats up the colon underneath. if someone can help me more with this, i'd be glad.


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