Shelley, I am thinking that all my misery with spastic colon
which I never had until after doing 11-12
Liver Flushes is
related to a blockage in the transverse colon because there
is a lot of bubbling around there after a enema and when I
massage the area it is tender and actally bubbly. I am
miserable with this and laxatives or even the Renew life
Colon Cleanse sends my lower intestine into horrible
pain and cramping spasms. How do I ever get rid of the
blockage? I juice veggies frequently. Take Psyllium, whole
flax seed with hot water. I fear that
Bentonite did it and formed morter!! Please help!! My diet is exactly what you recommend except I do not know where to buy the mung beans for
the Kichadee (sp?). Or since I am the one who has already
passed massive fat gloubuels with liver flushes, it could be
another fat mass stuck in the liver and causing presure
under in the liver when I take things like Lecithen, olive
oil/ grapefruit juice for minie flush. I know that a while
back you gave information on twisted colon, etc. but with
my brain fog which I still have, I cannot find the information!:)
Thanks again