Shelleycat wheres the Cleansing drink link?
Thanks for your help. The cyst is benign so they say (they say alot of people have them!!!). I don't drink dairy because of my Candida. Though I wouldn't mind raw milk, The DCM says no dairy for now.
I think you are right about the low potassium, though the twitches can also be caused by a neurological problem that is common with CFIDS. It's usually a neuro virus, and I may have to get an MRI of my spinal cord to rule out a serious condition.
Where's the link for the Cleansing/Potassium drink?
I will just stick to the E-3 live, Three lac (only 1x daily now), Immunopro whey, and Vit C powder for now. I guess I'll eliminate my multi-vitamin for now. I didn't realize vitamins put stress on the kidneys.
I am also seeing a biological dentist who wants to remove my
root canal filled tooth that has a large gold filling in it. It muscle tested badly, though doesn't appear to be infected. this would leave me with two back teeth missing on my left side, and worries me. He also wants to take out my 10 mercury fillings, though a metal problem has showed up on his muscle testing. He is adamant about taking out the tooth, and I guess I'm still a little vain, as I'm 38 yrs old and am an actor. My health is more important, but I'm worried about losing more teeth!. I'd rather shoot the dentist who did this to me in the first place!!!!!.
Anyway, I have ACV (Braggs) and will use it more often I you can tell me how.
Thanks for you time!!!