Wheatgrass is NOT good for PEOPLE.
Actually you'd be better off buying a bottle of liquid chlorophyll. That's the stuff in wheatgrass that gives us energy, makes us alkaline, and takes away odors internally.
I don't recommend wheatgrass juice, what very few people know is that raw grasses are full of anti-nutrients, plant toxins, and that's why you feel a "rush" when you drink them. They are NOT good for humans, animals have to ferment grasses when they eat them in multiple stomachs. We don't have multiple stomachs.
After you get a clean body you tend to react more to things that really aren't good for you. Last time I drank wheatgrass I threw up.
A good source of zinc so that you don't OD is EmergenC. That flushes the entire body with Vit C, B's and Zinc, all things great for the blood, anti-oxidants. :)