You're right about portions-thanx. I need to get a scale so I can weigh out my servings.
I used to NEED starbucks every morning or I would want to fall asleep all day long, if I didn't. But then I thought, do I really NEED this coffee to make me want to get up and enjoy my day?? It was not healthy either, and from there I cut out a lot of unhealthy habits.
58 days? That's EXCELLENT! I hope you posted the results from your fast somewhere (I'll check your messages). I made it to 21, have yet to finish 40 days, but 58 is great!!!
Coffee is very acid forming, which is one reason you should want to stop drinking it. And a 1/2 lb of cashews a day is very acid forming too I'm sure. I'm definitely going to work on my problem. I hope you can find a way, without the coffee.