COFFEE. I went through a 58 day juice fast (without coffee) and cleaned myself out pretty good, but once off the fast had to have coffee again. Even just a small cup of it seems to affect me in a negative way for an uncomfortably long period. Coffee has been an addiction problem (I seem to cling to it as a replacement for alcohol which used to be my addiction thing, but gave that up and needed an addiction to replace it ... so I took on coffee). The fast helped me move to a raw food diet, except I'm still struggling with the coffee thing. Each day I have coffe, I promise myself it's the last time ... but that cycle has been going on for a long time. It gives me bad side effects ... nervousness, and breathing problems ... but still haven't been able to give it up. But I think I can and will. I think it's a cover up for some emotional blocks I'm covering up and don't want to face. I think I'm afraid of becoming healed and fully well and don't know quite how to handle the spiritual power and beauty I feel awakening within myself as I continue to journey on the raw foods path. I'm not quite sure how to handle being happy and well since I'm so used to being stifled and withdrawn and unhappy.
My advice on overeating cashews. PORTION CONTROL. Just put what you will allow yourself to eat on a particular day in a separate container and that's it. Know that is your allotment for the day. You can buy TRULY raw cashws at or at They are excellent. I love how they taste FROZEN, cause it makes them crunchy.