I am not sure which enzymes you are taking but I believe it is Protease that you need for protein digestion. There are many enzymes out there , maybe you should try a few different ones. I was bloated for a while too. I tried enzymes also but they did nothing for the bloating and gave me very bad heartburn so I concluded that my issue was not stomach acid which I seem to have more than enough of, but I feel my intestines are a mess from a lifetime of poor bowel habits and terrible diet. I believe my intestines are covered with mucoid plaque that I fully intend to get rid of. This plaque can harbour candida, parasites and poor bacteria and limit mineral absorption , slow down elimination and pump your system full of toxins. Candida and candida die off can cause bloating and poor digestion for this reason also. Candida releases toxins when it is alive and also when it dies. So the only way you can really determine if your bloating is die off is if you know for a fact you have not eaten or done anything to feed it.