Dr Gabriel Cousens, as I have said, combines raw foodism and Ayurveda, so for someone who would like to be on a raw diet but is concerned about what TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine)and Ayurveda say about raw diets, his book is excellent. He combines the Ayurvedic priciples of different types of foods for different bodies, but shows that all types can still be balanced on raw foods. For instance, he says that vatas should eat lots of fat with their food and should be eating about every 2 to 3 hours. He gives the same food charts for different body types as Ayurveda does. If you feel your heart is not with raw foodism then you may want to explore different theories, but it is important to know that you don't have to give up the belief in certain aspects of Ayurvedic, or Chinese Medicine for that matter, in order to follow a raw diet. Good Luck