Re: Desperate for Help
I read it on, in the Leaky Gut article under Ailments. It is contrary to everything I have read in the past. As I've eaten copious amounts of live yoghurt (I've been making my own), supplemented with raw garlic as part of my protocol, I wondered if that was the reason I have reached a healing plateau. However, I will get minerals as you suggested, and expect to feel better soon.
I have found the diet difficult to stay with since Christmas, because of the cravings, and that is probably why.
I plan to blast it (again!). I thought I would do very strict candida diet, for leaky gut, for, say, three months, and then do the fast/
parasite cleanse? What do you think?
Regarding your spiritual journey, it seems that suffering is often the key, as it was for me. Have you read Eckhart Tolle? You might find his work interesting, and useful. Especially his teachings about the pain body! His first book, THe Power of Now, is by far his best.