Re: Whats the best natural anti-fungal you've used?
i actually disagree, to an extent
everyone is differect, i feel this is fact
but for me shifting around treatments was key to me seeing results
i'm not talking about diet
i eat no sugar, not even fruit, little to no grain (gluten free if i have anything, and very very rarely), ... etc
actually the correct term here would be ROTATION
for, as the little buggers want to live
i think they grow tolerant to herbs and treatments fast
i've read in several books too finally that using, for instance, garlic one day (or a few) and then caprylic acid for a few, then OofOregano, then germanium... etc
trying just one thing would always result in something then stop after a few days so now i have an arsenal of anti candida herbs/treatments and i rotate them and combine them too
sorry to be redundant, but i feel this is part of the key to me actually finally feeling like i am on the road to recovery
diet was the other huge foundational part
giving up fruit, not just refined sugar, changes everything
hope this helps
i am not trying to argue, just be helpful