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Re: Whats the best natural anti-fungal you've used?
panzer Views: 2,231
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 299,910

Re: Whats the best natural anti-fungal you've used?

Once I was not obbessed with candida I recovered in a couple of months. When I was consumed by it my stress was so high I would have never been cured. I had been doing treatments for months before, but I could not get over that hump. When I relaxed and went on with my life, ignored all the symptoms, thats when I started to get cured.

Once you are 'cured' you don't have to take all this stuff ( oil of oergano, cap. acid and the like) forever. Find a real good multivitamin, Omega-3s and eat well. You can eat junk again just don't eat bad. It does not mean your candida will come back, but when you get an upset stomach you will think it was caused by that. Just eat a normal, healthy way, exercise, drink water and relax. You will be fine. Just becuase you had an overgrowth of candida does not mean you have a easier chance of getting it again. When you rebuild your body, immune system, flora you will be as healthy as can be, and candia-overgrowth free.



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