Re: candida poop
so are the "threads" hard?
i have seen those pics many times. i still can't figure out proportions of them or if they are in a toilet bowl or a petree dish. it is too hard to tell.
what are the brown squiggles inside the cotton ball pieces?
all i seem to be passing is tons of mucous. when i have a firm BM, i can see little tiny white/peach/tan colored mucousy things attached to the outside. only about a half a
cm long each. and they are all over it. there is nothing sticking out of my bms. only things attached to the outside of it.
i also passed a six
inch long strand of pure mucous and it was dark brown. i do not pass any hard pieces of anything that could actually be sticking out of anything.
i pass a mix of clearish white vaginal mucous a lot too. and i have fished out white mucous in my urine from time to time too. they are white stringy mucous pieces, which i actually believe to be the vaginal tissue washing off. no it does not itch at all or have any odor to it.
i am still really confused. i am passing mucous everywhere...
is this a good thing a bad thing? candida? not candida?
thoughts please...
also...for those who are passing intestinal lining, probably myself included...isn't this a bad sign and not a good one?? usually this means you have some type of autoimmune or intestinal disorder like celiacs...crohns...etc...