What I would do is go to a 8o(fruit)/10(Protein)/10(fat) at this point and even less that 10 for fat. The fat I would uses at this point would be coconut butter as it has properties that check candida. Try that for a couple weeks. Also pineapples and papaya to get lots of enzymes in play. Don't let the idea of fruit freek you eat. This will all go to rebuild your biological terreain and in time create an internal environment that will bring candida back into balance.
*If you haven't caught this post..please do*so..//
Please describe your menus(actual food items) and are you utilizing organic produce? You need to be. The nutrition is many, many times more than regular produce to the point of it paying for itself in the difference.
Also consider spirulina and algae and for now a vegan dha supplement. Also utilize raw saurkraut to get your gut in order so it can synthesize b12 again. Takes about a year. For iron juice dark greens like kale and collards and get some kelp for
Iodine (thyroid balancing for metabolism and weight adjustment).
What is your total toxic load like? Amalgams?