thank you everyone...well it is a little too late for just the good bacteria to cure me. i know i need to restore the good bacteria but it is going to take a long time to fix all the damage i did after taking the doxycycline for a year and a half straight. i wish someone would have told me while ON the drug to take probiotics everyday. i make homemade yogurt from kefir but i actually stopped doing that a few weeks ago because i have gotten lazy and plus i kept gaining weight because of it. i take my probiotics in a drink called green vibrance. it has 8 billion per serving or something like that and i drink it two to three times per day. it also has digestive enzymes and lots of greens in it that are good for me. i guess i was just curious why in that year and a half i never got sick but it only took two weeks for it to hit me after stopping them. very strange.