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Re: Garden Veggies update: Want to check in?
rlm79 Views: 1,694
Published: 20 y
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Re: Garden Veggies update: Want to check in?

wow - good info thanks. i am not sure if the garden veggies actually alkalize but i guess we are all assuming so because all the ingredients are pretty much alkaline veggies. so far i have remained pretty acidic so i could use all of the alkalizers i can get.

i haven't tested my saliva in awhile. maybe i will check it tomorrow since i already ate breakfast this morning. i fell asleep again last night without taking my glutamine so i drank it this morning first thing on an empty stomach. maybe not such a good idea because within a half an hour i felt nauseous. my mom tells me if you're stomach gets too alkaline it will have the same effect as a stomach that is too acidic, making you feel sick to your stomach. i just ate some eggs which will hopefully calm the stomach down.

i have been really weak the last three days, waking up with a sore neck and just feeling achey all over and a little headachey today too. i think i am going through some die off and maybe i should ease up a bit and eat a few more acidic foods because i hate feeling this way. i always wondered with die off though...should you be expelling things out of your body if you are killing yeast? i never really see any indication in my stools that i am ridding myself of candida.


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