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Re: GARDEN VEGGIES came in today and i took my 1st one

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rlm79 Views: 1,952
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Re: GARDEN VEGGIES came in today and i took my 1st one

yeah i have heard some crazy stories about med students and what it can do to them. someone once told me a student had paralyzed himself just by the power of his mind and stress.

it is very true that you can attribute symptoms you have to almost any disease. i was a total mess, looking stuff up online when i first got sick trying to figure out what was wrong with me. i thought i had every horrible disease known to mankind, hence all of the bloodwork, MRI's, CT Scans, ultrasounds...etc. you name it, i tested for it. i got a brain MRI checking for MS and also even a brain tumor but it all came back fine. it is extremely terrifying when you feel like you have no control over your body - never knowing how you will feel from one moment to the next. i would burst into tears constantly, and as i have mentioned many times, had full blown panic attacks for two months straight. it was horrible. i still get nervous now that i may have done some serious damage to my body especially since candida can cause all kinds of auto-immune disorders. or that there may be something else wrong besides candida. plus shroom keeps telling me he thinks i may have lupus which is not the easiest thing to hear. i am trying not to get worked up though and deal with things one day at a time. plus i keep telling myself that i wouldn't be getting better on the diet if i didn't have candida. and i am ten thousand times better than i was 3 months ago!!

if i were you i wouldn't be too concerned about parasites. i think they just live off of you but won't hurt you too much. not that it's good to have them but they won't do any permanent damage. at least i read that but who knows?! anyways...i am sure i have parasites, i give my dog kisses on the mouth everyday which can't be too sanitary. but that is the least of my worries right now. you should do one of those parasite zaps if you are really concerned. some say you can't heal or do the cleanses until you get rid of parasites first. i don't really know what to believe. but i do plan on cleansing next year. one thing at a time for me though.

oh i forgot to tell you earlier i get really strange numbing sensations in my face, i am actually having them right now...probably because i chewed too much sugarfree gum today. i know i shouldn't do that but it is the one thing i can't give up. the candida has definitely had a bit of effect on my breath if you know what i mean! so i have to do something about it!

oh and i asked about the leaky gut thing because i am treating myself for that, using powdered glutamine. i have read great things about it's ability to promote cell growth in the intestinal tract (helps restore mucosal lining). i am also trying to drink two tablespoons of ACV per day in water with a little stevia to make it taste better. supposedly all the food allergies come from leaky gut syndrome. oh the ACV helps to alkalize too.


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