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Re: GARDEN VEGGIES came in today and i took my 1st one
rlm79 Views: 1,995
Published: 20 y
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Re: GARDEN VEGGIES came in today and i took my 1st one

yes as sans sucre said, ACV = apple cider vinegar. it is great for candida, healing the gut, alkalizing, etc.

wow you really are doing a lot of supplements! sounds like die off to me because you are being very strict with your diet so it can't be a food reaction. i am still having a hard time distinguishing die off or food reactions /supplement reactions myself so that is why i stopped all supplements with the exception of a few. i used to be a walking medicine cabinet but i just couldn't keep up with it, kept forgetting to take pills and was getting too confused. i couldn't fit even half of everything i was taking into the pill case. now i am back to basics. diet alone and working on the gut and keeping my bowels regular. i seem to do much better when i am only concentrating on my foods.

so maybe you should slow down a bit. no need to suffer like that. i don't think too much die off is good, because supposedly it means the yeast is dying and releasing toxins faster then you are able to process or get rid of them so it creates the bad reactions. you gotta find a way to get it out of ya!

i went through some mild die off last week i think. flu like symptoms...just achey in the morning and my neck felt swollen. i have also been having some diarrhea again and about two weeks ago i was pooping pellets cause i had cheated over thanksgiving. when i eat bad it takes a few weeks for me to get back on track and i start all over with my bowels being screwed up.


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