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Re: what do candida threads look like?
rlm79 Views: 37,042
Published: 20 y
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Re: what do candida threads look like?

same thing happens to me...right pelvic region gets sore, i get some pain in my right inner thigh and sometimes my butt and back of my right leg gets sore. i also get a weird heavy feeling in that area, especially during my period too.

i have suspected endometriosis as well but will not get a laporoscopy either. i just figured that when i get better all of these issues will go away. i have never tried and creams or anything for vaginal symptoms because i do not itch at all so i didn't know if it would be a good idea.

my period has changed since i have been sick also. very weird but i don't get period cramps anymore...i have a million other aches and pains but they all of the sudden went away. sometimes i have them very mild but nothing like they used to be. and i hardly bleed much anymore either. it is much milder and pinker in color. i definitely feel like my whole reproductive system is being attacked, esp during menstruation. it worries me because i do want kids some day.

one of the first tests i had was an ultrasound of my ovaries when i was trying to figure out what was wrong with me...i had no cysts which was good and my ovaries were normal in size and shape. but i still get pains in my lower right abdomen which i suspect is my right ovary. and my hips feel funny a lot. god i hate this thing soooo much!!!!

good to know there are others out there with some strange abnormalities like me too. i don't seem to have the normal itchy yeast symptoms like most. i get more pains and pricks and strange electric sensations. i also have weird ear things going on too - more like pressure in my head though or a hollowing feeling. and my throat gets sore from time to time or i have trouble swallowing.

i still think i should get those little things in the pee analyzed to see if they really are yeast. i would love to know but i think they have to be fresh and they do not come out every single time i pee. plus i just really don't want to see any more doctors and have to try and explain what's wrong when they won't believe me anyways!


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