yeast can give you an abnormal pap (cervical dysplasia). I had that turn up once, the doc had me to a 3 day yeast treatment and then come in for them to take a tissue sample, which was normal. I get something similar to what you are describing, and I think there is a bacterial component along with the yeast for me. I've also got what I think is endometriosis, but I suspect there is a major infectious component. I've refused laproscopy to find out exactly what the issue is, but I'm pretty sure it's infection of one kind or another and there are some
parasites or some type of organis carrying the endo around in the pelvic cavity. Whether chronic infection ends up causing things like cancer, I have no idea. My homeopath (I started a program a couple months ago) says the endo is from an amoebic
parasite that draws blood into the pelvic region, and she actually thought the candida was a secondary, more easily resolved issue (not the first person who's told me that). I've heard candida is just a mutated, normal gut bacteria responding to toxins in the body, and over in the Barefoot Herbalist forum, he says candida organisms are your body's garbage men. I really don't know what to believe anymore. For localized symptom relief, have you tried a product called "Yeast No More?" It's an essential oil combination with tea tree oil and some other things. Many women claim to get relief from that. I tried it for 3 days because I'd already bought it and then my homeopath didn't want me to go longer than that, but I don't think 3 days was long enough. I tried the tampon method with it, but that didn't work out too well and seemed wasteful, so I ended up filling a capsule with it and just using it at night. You might want to check out that product, though. 've had chronic vaginal infection for many years, and I've been lazy about going after it because I wasn't so symptomatic that I was really uncomfortable, but I'm starting to think I shouldn't be leaving it go unchecked... although I would imagine my body should be able to correct and balance the situation if I were really healthy. I had some pretty enlareged ovaries on ultrasound a few years ago, and the right one in particular. The right low pelvic region and pubic region for me will get sort of sore when I get close to my period, sometimes there is almost a pinching pain sensation in that area, an ache, or a heaviness, and I've noticed it's definitely worse when I eat sweet foods. During times when I've been very careful with my diet, it's much less noticeable. Interesting. I also will get an itching response when I eat bad foods, either deep in my ears, throat, or .... well... in my butt. Like I want to stick a bottle brush up there to scratch it, seriously. My homeopath said that's also amoeba, and the remedies she's had me on for that (among numerous other bacteria & viruses) seem to have helped some things, but not that so much. The itching is less intense, but still triggered by sweet foods and fruit. (Obviously I'm not terribly disciplined right now.) I've done herbal de-wormers and liver flushes, so..... I guess I've got to keep trying. And listen to my body about what foods I can handle and which ones I can't. I was hoping that the homeopathics would take the load off my immune system by vibing out the bad guys and that would be enough, but it was stupid to think I could go off a diet geared toward healing the gut (i.e. Body Ecology Diet).
Sorry to get off on a tanget. Anyway, I hope there's some useful information in there somewhere for you. Good luck!