I have seen another product called "Natures Biotic" that has soil based organisms (SBO's) and it is reported to have some of these same effects although it is more expensive. The theory is that organically grown veggies have traces of these soil based organisms that we eat and they colonize the gut and eat the candida and help breakdown foods into hydrocarbons that are easier to digest, these organisms can get in behind the mucoid plaque as well, Natures Biotics people say this is was not such a problem back when America was one big organic farmland (ahh if that could return, sigh). Maybe this veggie supplement is rich in similar types of beneficial Soil Based Organisms. Is it an organic product? And has any one here tried the "Natures Biotics"? I am having some luck with Grapefruit-Seed-Extract in P&B shakes with olive oil to make a gelatinous mixture to push Grapefruit-Seed-Extract into MP to get candida, one week of hot yoga helped too, and I passed some candida bulbs and other candida looking stuff and what looked to be some parasitic things. I am also interested in trying this along with a cleanse, maybe colonix. Just wondering if maybe these soil based organisms are a key to clearing candida and also returning system to alkaline.