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Re: swollen lymph glands
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Re: swollen lymph glands


I regularly had swollen glands when I was on the candida diet. My armpits swelled, and I also my parotid gland on right side (in front of ear). I tried Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage (a proffesional does this) and it helped, I felt fluid draining in my body!

I have a very congested/toxic body. I have been on prescription drugs for 7 years (lots of them), and I had loads of Antibiotics in the past - which never cured any symptoms. I am doing P+B shakes at the moment, and I feel better. I am going to do liver, gall bladder and kidney cleanses too. I'm not sure whether to do a parasite cleanse, but I probably will.

I agree with shroom about a toxin overload. I think the more toxic you are, the more symptoms you'll have. Doing the candida diet releases a lot of toxins too which have to escape somehow. I have been very constipated for a long time which probably made the toxins back up into my lymphatic system causing enlarged nodes (I couldn't expel them from my bowel regurlarly enough). I've adressed the long-term constiptation now (I'm hypothyroid which causes constipation) and my nodes haven't been enlarged in ages.

Research into bowel, liver, gallbladder and kidney cleanses on curezone.

I hope this helps. I was freaked out when all my lymph nodes swelled up and they were so painful, but it should get better. There's some information on curezone about cleansing the lymphatic system with dry skin brushing etc

try - //

that is on the ask shelley website which is great

I hope you feel better soon, do lots of research and take the cleansing slowly, keep asking questions, the people on curezone are a wealth of knowledge.


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