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Re: Detox symptoms?
layna Views: 8,528
Published: 20 y
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Re: Detox symptoms?

Fruit consumption is a controversial subject somewhat in that some people do feel that someone can have too much fruit due to high amounts of sugar, but that has not been my experience. Fruit does have sugar, or carbohydrates, but it is in a form that is easily used by our bodies and it gives us the energy necessary to get through the day.

Try drinking some young coconut juice or eating avocados. This may help you feel more satisfied. Raw nuts or seeds also helped me in the transition too. And steamed veggies with some coconut butter melted on them, really helped me for a few weeks. Plus, I find that I need to eat alot some days to feel satisfied. Your body may be detoxing quickly, and you may need alot of calories. I find that it is a balance between eating too much or too little. Sometimes I find that when i am detoxing that eating less is better.

Don't give up entirely, I found that it took alot of experimentation to figure out what works for me. I was never really a gourmet cook before, and so I am not really into raw gourmet recipes, so I cannot comment whether they would be more satisfying for you or not. I find that complicated mixtures of ingredients are harder for me to digest. I don't really like that heavy or full feeling in my stomach anymore. It is the difference between being satisfied and full - a real fine line for me sometimes.

Anyhow, good luck. I find that with my body it is often one step forward and two back, but then one giant leap forward and then two back, so just listen to your body, if you are craving meats, try the coconut juice or avocados, and if that doesn't work, eat meat, for heaven sake :), it takes awhile for our bodies to transition, and to work through the different layers of attachment to cooked foods. Sometimes, I know that I am tooooo hard on myself, instead of just allowing the process to unfold naturally.
Take care, and good luck :)


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