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Re: Detox symptoms?
layna Views: 9,015
Published: 20 y
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Re: Detox symptoms?

It is hard for me to say personally, but I can only tell you what I am experiencing and from what I know from my own research.
I have read that in a transition to a raw diet that our body will strip away all of the non essentials and will heal itself on so many levels, emotionally, and physically, so any old injuries will surface.
There for awhile I did have a sore throat sometimes when i would wake up in the morning, and right now I am experiencing some discomfort with my ears, in that they are really sensitive to noises. I would say that should anything persist and you feel it is serious enough to not dismiss it as detoxification and check with your doctor.
In a transition to a raw diet it is such a radical remineralization process that more than likely you may be deficient depending on your pre-transition diet. Again I am not a doctor, but there are theories about Depression being connected to nutritional deficiencies combined with the body's reduced capacity to absorb nutrients.
I told myself many times, and still do, just trust the process, trust the inner truth inside of you, that your body will lead you to what you need, and this is an excellent forum for ideas of how to help that process along.
What I find is key for me - and it is different for everyone, to not feel exhausted, is to ensure that I am getting enough calories, especially because I am so active. These calories come in the way of lots and lots of fresh fruit. I find if I eat too many fats that I get tired, so i basically eat fruit all day, and then I have a blended salad in the evening. This seems to be working for me right now, but my body is constantly evolving, so we will see what lies ahead :)

Good luck!


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