Re: question
I tried hard to be RAW for about 6 months, but during that time I would of had the odd (shock horror: srambled egg on toast every few nights, a meat pie once a week) as an evening meal just to keep my hunger intact. Overall though I would say I ate 70%-80% raw, and some days maybe up to 90%. I lost a lot of weight, 1 stone in 6 months which I believe is 14
pounds and for someone is isn't exactly big already that isn't good.
Now I've just recently decided to take a back step to being vegan, but still consume as much RAW fruit and veg (and veg juices) as before but have some cooked food in the evening to keep me more full and "satisfied", but strickly no meat and diary this time.
As for foods for vegans, you can get meat AND diary replacers, you can get vegan sausages, vegan ham-like slices and vegan burgers (the brand Quorn DOES contain egg so watch out for them).All the above you can add to a nice salad of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, peppers, onions etc.
I've also been eating recently potatoe waffles and potato hash browns, wholewheat pasta with this tomoto and herb sauce and made lentil pie last week which was lovely which contained red tentils, celery, leaks and carrots under a potato topping.