Re: Candida and cancer
You might check out the "Ask MH" forum. They have kind of a different view of candida over there, and a "one cure cures all approach." Big on alkalizing, and having an alkaline stomach, actually, which I've never read before. I'm going in that direction, myself. It does require abandoning a lot of your existing ideas about health and healing, and giving up some habits and food addictions, since it's primarily a raw, fruitarian approach. I'm not sure it's for everyone, but he has a lot of free info, and his herbs are top notch. I haven't tried the orange juice fast, yet, either. MH is a fringe dweller, but after reading steadily in that forum for the past 6-8 months, I think he's got some great insights. I don't know anybody who got well on the "candida diet." Try not to worry about cancer. There's a psycho-spiritual aspect to all this that I think is under-valued, and I beileve a person can worry themselves a great big tumor, you know? I understand your fears, totally, but the more I read about it, the more I believe it's not really what we think it is, and that it's mostly curable. I went to a holistic medical doc for awhile who said that cancer comes and goes in our bodies all the time without us even knowing it. If you can quietly listen to your body and let go of your fear, you will hear what it's saying to you about what's right. The more you do the cleansing, etc., the more body awareness you'll have over time, too.