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Jhan Views: 1,867
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 289,613



A bit of a panic reading about the results here!

Candida that has NOT been taken care of is a precursor to cancer. You are on the right track, facing the issue and giving your cleansing organs a break with proper treatment.

Along with candida it is common to have allergies due to poor digestion, bad liver function and consequently loads of bacteria and unwanted stuff that access the guts when they should actually get killed by the stomach acid. Read this for more on the topic of how being allergic food is due to poor digestion:

Look at the bright side. Now that you know precisely what your intolerances are, you can avoid these and your energy level is going to become buch better. I never did any test, I kept listening to my body (sudden tiredness) to find out about food intolerances . Once you've stopped eating the food you are allergic to, you will feel much better. Learn to decipher which food is good to you according to your following energy level.

Candida and intolerances are twins. Not enjoyable, but no big deal as soon as you know what to avoid.

Do breathing exercises, pushing the abdomen all the way down: VERY good for the bowels.... I TRY TO DO THEM EVERY MORNING  (and ALSO it is VERY good for breathing= more oxygen in your blood= more energy.
Keep alert and listen better to what your body's symptoms are telling you.



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