Re: compulsive eating and sugar craving
Sorry to hear about your cravings.
Likley you are suffering blood
Sugar lows and feel the need to get these up. Support your body with liquid chromium drops helps to even out blood
Sugar cycles. A good quality multi vitamin will also help.
Please also be aware that as candida works its way through the gut wall, it can allow over size food molecules through to the blood and trigger
food allergies , and assocaited cravings. See for excellent anti-allergy info.
Also check out for book 'The pH miracle' by Dr. Robert Young, along with pH test strips. This is a heavy duty veg / salads program that takes you away from carbohydrates and most allergenic foods, so is in effect a power nutrient anti-candida diet. Eat as much as you want.
Check out for a one, two anti
parasite herbal program, this is looks to be pretty darn effective.
Finally, look up 'Colema Board' for sellers of this home
colonic irrigation kit. 5 gallons come and go, the bowel is rally flushed out and the toxic loading this was producing on your body eliminated.
Happy hunting