Hi! I'm not sure what the professional answer to that would be, but I can tell you that I take 3 packets of Three-Lac and several servings of yogurt per day. It seems to do the trick for me, although right now I'm experiencing quite a bit of die-off from the Three-Lac. I stopped using encapsulated probiotics (acidophilus) because it's difficult to ensure that they contain enough live bacteria, and if so, that it will reach the desired area of the small intestine unharmed. Fresh homemade yogurt or kefir is ideal, but I've been using an organic store bought variety because I haven't had the time to make any lately. Abraham, who is also a member of this site, knows a LOT about the probiotic value of homemade yogurt and kefir and can help you get started with making your own if you're interested. There is also a wealth of information on the internet regarding this process. Hope this helps!