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What candida looks like
jhan Views: 3,934
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 285,663

What candida looks like

Anything white is most likely to be yeast (unless it is flatworm) . Yeast can take many forms in stool:

Snowflakes: it looks pretty much like a bunch of teared up toilet paper.

Thread: candida is normal in our body, what we are fighting is rhizomic candida: the yeast forms in long chain (rhizome) and drills into the intestinal walls.

This are the most common
But I also saw

Bulbs: round shape floating white stuff (usually I would get those after a pectin intake (green apple)

Net: Sometimes the threads would form a net, woven into one another in a proper square shape

Veil: Sometimes it would come out as a transludic veil, my guess is that the net then forms into a fabric.

The picture below will help you identify candida

In your urine candida will come out as foam.



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